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May 19, 2006



In New Zealand, I read everywhere I went. On the bus. Walking. People would recognise me as that guy that reads.

In London, everyone reads because reading is better than staring. Staring is an invitation to a knife fight.

No longer special.

Now, I carry two books with me.


i too enjoy reading as much as i can, anywhere and everywhere...
but for some reason, i fear that mac/ipod/itunes will have downloads for "books on mp3" in the very near future, cause that seems to be where most of our society and culture is addicted to right now...
maybe then, we can try reading our books the old fashioned way while listening to another one at the same time ?!


interesting, I clicked on the link and the reviews make it look promising. I'll check it out when I head to Barnes later.


I loved the first chapter/section of If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things - pure poetry. I wish the whole book was written in the same manner.


Thanks for letting the tip on "If Nobody Speaks..." Will have to check it out. Best.


I fear that reading may become a lost art soon. Especially with my generation, most of my friends are art repellent. You should check out "I am not Myself These Days" by Josh Kilmer-Purcell. It's laconic and witty.


That's funny, just finished reading it.


In that case, what are your thoughts on say, Hemingway?


I am a logophile, as well. I've been writing too much, though, and it shows. Thanks for reminding me. beautiful, btw, and I mean your writing.


nerds rock
reading is only for cool people


I'm on a similar reading bend, I think it has to do with a desire of introspection and solitude, "a moment for myself".



Hey, I do it all the time too. Have a book with me wherever I go. Unfortunately in Malaysia, you get stares of astonishment if you read.



lost language of cranes overwhelms me. though i hope it's not awful that i also dig the movie.


Just bought the book - can't wait to start it. Thanks for the recommendation.


have you tried scott heim's mysterious skin?


If anyone has an opportunity to pick up Claire Messud's most recently published novel; "The Emperors Children" and they consider themselves a 'maven' on plot and character development par excellence, don't miss it. Her excellence is only exceeded by all of her Reviews worldwide.


A book that ought to be considered mandatory reading for all GLBT people is entitled: "The Most Beautiful Man in The World; Paul Swan from Wilde to Warhol" by Janis and Richard Londraville. While Paul Swan's name and work may be a contemporary enigma, he bequeathed to all of us, his gay brethren and lesbian sisters alike, a unique set of artistic accomplishments that traversed half of the 20th Century. We cannot, no, indeed we must not let his works die as he himself was forced to do - an anachronism in his own time. The gauntlet has been passed to members of this generation to make manifest the rightful assumption of his honorary place amongst the greatest American Artist of this past century.

Jeffrey Presley

The picture of the woman rushing off at Penn station was beautifully wrought. I've seen her, and in another form, been her, many times. Reading on the subway is one of the things I miss most about NY. A bit of advice on Joan Didion. Read all of her non-fiction, in order if you can. There's a voyeristic thrill to it, seeing what changes, what stays, what leaves. Then read her fiction if you're still enthralled. It's another layer...

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