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December 12, 2006



simply hilarious


Well worth the wait, Ethan! Love your self-effacing style, and O'Henry type endings.

Thanks for the early holiday treat...you rock! And isn't there some aphorism... the louder the fart, the less the smell. :-)

Take care, and Happy Holidays!!!

Luis Guillermo

Tienes mucha razón: resulta deliciosamente divertido, inspirador y humano. He disfrutado muchísimo leyendo tu relato, como siempre. Es agradable tenerte de vuelta. Gracias por un post tan sexy. Un saludo.


Welcome back!

Great way to return ;) I'm still smiling...


It's been a while, but this one made the wait worth while :D It's 5.50 AM here and I am trying really hard not to laugh out loud and wake up the boy next to me.


Congrats. Enjoy the moments with him. :)


Two months! Damn you!


I've been giggling with the gusto of a 13-year-old school girl here at my desk after reading that. :-D
One of your funnier entries. At least you weren't on a plane.


The whole scene reminded me of Sex and the City...but look at the positive, he must really like you, for him not to care.


Ethan... You are such an amazing writer. When I read your blogs I either cry or laugh my head off. This was a 'laugh the head off' one. Excellent. :D

Micifus Phil

Glad you're back Ethan. I loved this story!


Welcome back........you post so rarely........but oh so well.


I'm glad you're back. Great story. Where have you been?


Great story. What happened to the original photo that accompanied it?


I thought you were gone forever...

Yay! you're back!

'just read this one..
I'm still smiling too...


Oh, that made me laugh. Sounds like the start of a beautiful romance...


I'm so glad you're back--It's like hearing from a good friend after a long absence.


I was beginning to lose hope. Where were you?... A treat to find another posting. Keep them coming!

Dsw Shoesl

What a good site! I think it wasnt easy to post here so much information. Thank you, I will add it to my bookmarks


congrats your blog is one of the best ones.Original and honest unlike most gay bloggers .Kisses


Love this new feature! love this page.


Great layout, and nice style, you have done outstanding this time! Great site.

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